Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit
The Central Agency of Bangladesh to Fight against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
  • Receive Suspicious Transaction/Activity Reports (STRs/SARs) from the reporting organizations and Cash Transaction Reports (CTRs) from banks and financial institutions; and receive the complaints from different sources.
  • Analyze the STRs/SARs from Reporting Organizations (ROs) and CTRs from banks and financial institutions; and the complaints received from different sources.
  • Produce financial intelligence reports and disseminate those to investigating agencies for further action(s).
  • Maintain a database of all STRs/SARs, CTRs and related information.
  • Issue necessary directions and guidance notes from time to time for reporting organizations to prevent money laundering (ML), terrorist financing (TF) and proliferation financing (PF) activities.
  • Ensure compliance of the respective Acts and Rules/Regulations/Directives through onsite and off-site supervision of the reporting organizations.
  • Monitor the implementation of UNSC Resolutions including UNSCR 1267 and its successors, UNSCR 1373 and UN Security Council Resolutions related to proliferation financing of weapons of mass destruction.
  • Impart training to the officials of the reporting organizations, investigating authorities, prosecutors, regulatory agencies and other related organizations or institutions.
  • Sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with foreign FIUs to exchange financial intelligence on ML, TF & PF.
  • Provide and collect information to/from other FIUs under bilateral arrangements.
  • Cooperate and work together with various international organizations including FATF, APG, EGMONT Group, World Bank, IMF, ADB, and UNODC regarding AML & CFT issues.
  • Perform secretarial job for UN bodies, National Coordination Committee (NCC) and Working Committee on AML & CFT (WC) and take necessary steps to implement the decisions taken in the committees.
  • Work as the secretariat of inter agency Task Force for Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR).
  • Perform activities related to the Central Task Force for preventing illegal Hundi activities, illicit flow of fund and money laundering and monitor implementation of the decisions of the meetings.
  • Arrange regular meeting with Anti Corruption Commission (ACC), Bangladesh Police and other relevant agencies and monitor the implementation of the decisions of the meeting.
  • Arrange regular meeting with various regulators like BSEC, IDRA, MRA, NGOAB and different Self Regulatory Bodies (SRBs).
  • Carry out other related functions to prevent and combat money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing activities respectively.
  • Create public awareness against ML, TF & PF