Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit
The Central Agency of Bangladesh to Fight against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
Egmont Group

Recognizing the importance of international cooperation in the fight against ML and TF, a group of Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) met at the Egmont Arenberg Palace in Brussels, Belgium, and decided to establish an informal network of FIUs for the stimulation of international co-operation. Presently, Egmont Group comprises of 170 Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs). It provides a platform for the secure exchange of expertise and financial intelligence to combat ML and TF.

BFIU achieved the membership of Egmont group in the Egmont plenary held during 1-5 July, 2013 in Sun City, South Africa. Through Egmont membership BFIU achieved access to a wider global platform which enables it to establish relationship, exchange views, experiences and information with other foreign counterparts. (Read moreā€¦.)